China's A-share market continues soaring, turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges exceeding 2.5 trillion yuan

China's A-share market soared strongly on Monday, with the turnover on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges exceeding 2.5 trillion yuan ($356.5 billion) in total. Monday is the last trading day before the week-long National Day holidays.

The Shanghai Composite Index increased by 8.06 percent to reach 3336.5 and the Shenzhen Component Index ended 10.67 percent higher. ChiNext Index, tracking China's Nasdaq-style board of growth enterprises, witnessed an increase of 15.36 percent. The index that comprises 50 representative companies listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange increased by 22.84 percent. The Beijing bourse index and ChiNext Index witnessed their highest single-day gains on record.

The Shanghai Composite Index has surged more than 17 percent in September.

On Monday, the turnover on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the fourth consecutive trading day.

The Shanghai Composite Index opened 3.47 percent higher on Monday. The Shenzhen Component Index opened 4.58 percent higher at 9,950.65 points and the ChiNext Index rose 5.77 percent at the opening on Monday.

China's A-share market has rallied since Thursday, after a key Communist Party of China (CPC) leadership meeting on that day stressed the need to boost the country's capital market, and actively promoting the medium- and long-term funds to enter the market, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

After the meeting, the Shanghai Composite Index closed above 3,000 points on Thursday, the first time above the key benchmark since July 2.

The enthusiasm for the stock markets flooded the trading systems of stock exchanges and many securities companies.

On Sunday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) completed all trading tests, with the bidding system received 270 million orders, which is double the historical peak and three times the number of orders submitted on Friday. Earlier, the SSE announced plans to conduct trading tests on Sunday, aimed at validating the performance of its trading platforms in handling large volumes of orders, according to media reports.

Saudi Arabia welcomes more Chinese companies to invest: Ambassador

Saudi Arabia is working with international partners and prioritizes cooperation with China to achieve its goal to a regional hub, Saudi Arabian Ambassador to China Abdulrahman Ahmad Al-Harbi told the Global Times. 

He also expressed a willingness to welcome more Chinese companies to invest in Saudi Arabia across various sectors such as the petrochemical and oil, the automotive industry, and infrastructure, which, he pointed out, would be in the interests of Saudi Arabia and China. 

Al-Harbi made the above statement during an interview with reporters at Saudi Arabia's 94th National Day Reception event held in Beijing on Monday.

He noted that the bilateral relationship between Saudi Arabia and China is an outstanding example of inter-state relations, characterized by deep friendship, mutual trust, and respect for each other, continuously advancing forward. In recent years, high-level exchanges between the two countries have been frequent, and cooperation in various fields has yielded remarkable results.

Saud Arabia and China signed the implementation plan for the synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 in 2022. The Saudi diplomat said the plan laid a strong foundation for bilateral cooperation, and noted that both sides not only share many common interests but also match in various sectors. 

According to him, both sides have already cooperated across various sectors, including petrochemicals and oil, the automotive industry, technology, logistics, and infrastructure.

"We believe there are many sectors and sub-sectors in which we have common interests. Joint investments have already taken place between both sides, and we welcome more Chinese investment," he said. 

When discussing the role of China-Saudi Arabia cooperation in addressing the challenges of conflicts in the Middle East and achieving regional peace and security, Al-Harbi said that the two countries share similar positions on many regional and international issues. Both countries' foreign policies support the realization of global security and peace, respect for the sovereignty of other nations, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. As important members of the international community, Saudi Arabia and China have significant influence globally. Their productive cooperation has already had a notable positive impact on regional and international stability, and is expected to play an even more important role in the future.

According to Saudi Arabia's media reports, the Saudi Ministry of Education recently officially announced the inclusion of Chinese language courses in the country's primary and secondary school curriculum, designating Chinese as one of the main teaching languages. The aim is to teach students the basic skills of reading, writing, and conversing in Chinese. The Ministry of Education has begun to take necessary measures to adjust the curriculum and class hours, as well as provide professional teachers to accommodate the new teaching system.

 In that regard, Al-Harbi further explained that learning Chinese is of great significance for enhancing mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries, and cultural exchanges fully reflect the friendly bilateral relations between them. More than 170 Chinese teachers have recently arrived in Saudi Arabia to teach Chinese in public schools. Additionally, about 100 Saudi students have gone to China to study Chinese, preparing for future careers as Chinese language teachers in Saudi Arabia.

Exploring how varied Americans discuss state of ‘today’s US’

Editor's Note:

There are less than 50 days until the US presidential election on November 5. Gao Zhikai, vice president of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), recently conducted research in the country. He engaged in in-depth discussions with Americans from various social classes, professions, backgrounds, and age groups to hear their perspectives on US politics and livelihoods. In Gao's view, there is an interesting and stark contrast between the attitudes of American elites and the general public regarding this election. The elites are actively participating and making strategic plans for the future, while ordinary citizens are more focused on pressing issues such as prices and employment, showing little interest in the election.

Meanwhile, the Chinese American community appears to be more silent in the face of this political event. They express some concerns about their future living conditions amid a complex and changing political environment. This article is written by Global Times reporter Bai Yunyi based on Gao's observations, providing a glimpse into a complex and contradictory America through the firsthand insights of a Chinese think tank scholar.
Contrast in political enthusiasm

One significant observation I have made during my time in the US is that people from different social classes, identities, and age groups have varying levels of participation in and enthusiasm for the election, as well as differing areas of focus.

First, let's talk about what we generally refer to as the "elite class." During this trip to the US, I visited several important political figures in Washington and New York: one was a senior member of the Democratic Party, another one was a politician from a Republican family, and the third was a politician from a swing state.

The first Democratic Party member was assisting Kamala Harris at the time, helping her prepare for the debate with Donald Trump. He was ambitious and actively involved in election-related activities, offering various suggestions to Harris's team. The second politician, from a Republican family, has known me for over 10 years. He believes that this election is very important for the US and will influence the country's future direction. He told me that he would not vote for Trump, which I think may reflect the attitude of a portion of the Republican elite toward the former president.

The third person is a politician from Ohio who is also very interested in the election and is in contact with Trump's team, and hopes to join his administration if Trump wins.

The general attitude of the American public seems to be quite different. They are not very focused on the presidential election. On one hand, this may be because there is still more than a month until the final vote, and it's not yet the critical moment for determining the outcome.

On the other hand, compared with the election, many people are more concerned about specific issues in their lives, such as whether prices can stabilize, whether their income can increase, and the direction of real estate prices. They believe that It is unlikely that the election result will really have much impact on these issues.

A person from a traditional "Rust Belt" state told me that what people there are most concerned about is finding a suitable job, as many local businesses have been "hollowed out."

He believes that both candidates are trying to avoid meaningful discussions when it comes to specific policies, perhaps out of fear that they might not be able to deliver on their promises once in office, or maybe they are concerned about eliciting different reactions from various groups. As a result, the election campaign has devolved into a "fatiguing and frustrating exchange of attacks."

In addition, due to the US' Electoral College system and the basic principle of "winner-takes-all," the true determinants of election outcomes are actually a few swing states and their independent voters.

This demographic is not large in number, leading many voters in other states to feel that their vote is essentially inconsequential, making little difference whether they vote or not.

Especially in many deeply rooted "red" and "blue" states, where there are traditional party leanings that are hard to shake, public interest in the election is even lower because they feel they cannot change anything.

Therefore, although the presidential election attracts global attention, many Americans feel that the impact of their individual vote is "diluted."

Dualities in US economy, society

Ordinary American citizens are most concerned about the economy, especially the prices of goods.

Although data shows that inflation in the US is cooling down, the actual prices of goods on the market have not decreased. Many Americans complain that the prices of meat, eggs, milk, and beverages keep rising, leaving the public feeling helpless.

The rising fuel costs have also increased people's living expenses.

Groups such as the Chinese community are particularly concerned about their children's education, as tuition fees for Ivy League and other prestigious schools have repeatedly broken records, putting significant financial pressure on middle-class families compared to the past.

Many Americans do not expect the candidates from either party to help them solve their troubles. The US has 50 states, each with its own unique conditions, making it difficult for federal policies to have the same effect everywhere.

As a result, many Americans are more concerned about who their governor is and the economic policies at the state level.

Besides, there is a culture of "self-reliance" in American society, with most people believing that their well-being largely depends on their own efforts rather than government policies. The prevailing mindset among many Americans today is, "If you succeed, enjoy it yourself; if you fail, deal with it yourself."

However, I believe that when we observe the American economy and society, we should objectively recognize the "duality" of the US.

If you take a cursory glance at the country, it is easy to see various problems, such as crumbling infrastructure and homeless people on the streets.

This is certainly a real aspect of the US. But there is also another side in the country. New concepts and ideas in the high-tech sector have been emerging one after another in recent years.

The US is developing rapidly in fields such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, space technology, and deep-sea technology, and in some areas, it is in a leading position globally.

I have been pondering why the US can maintain its leadership in these industries against the backdrop of a declining manufacturing sector. What are the underlying advantages?

My observations are as follows: first, the US has a strong higher education system that continues to attract the best talent from around the world; second, the efficiency of the US capital market is relatively high. If a good concept is deemed promising, even if it carries significant risks, capital will quickly flow in.

Third, the US market has relatively few restrictions and is highly flexible.

Suspicion toward Chinese Americans

During my recent stay in the US, I also interacted with many local Chinese Americans. The attention the Chinese American community pays to this election is relatively low, with many expressing almost no interest at all. Their primary concerns now revolve around the survival environment and social status of Chinese people in the US, as in recent years, a large number of Chinese expatriates, Chinese Americans, and Chinese students have been labeled as "agents" or "spies." To them, it seems that McCarthyism is making a resurgence in the US.

Many local Chinese told me that even those scientists or scholars who were born in the US and hold US citizenship are also facing increasing suspicion. The atmosphere within the Chinese community is mixed with anxiety and fear.

A respected elder in the Chinese community in the US lamented to me, "I was born in the US, and my family has settled here for many generations. I never imagined that we would end up in this situation. Now I don't even dare to return to China to visit relatives, because every time I come back to the US, I have to be monitored and questioned by various US departments. When I interact with Chinese people in the US, I am always met with suspicion, and I am often questioned by American authorities every few days. Sometimes I even encounter 'phishing operations' by US government agencies."

The Chinese community feels quite pessimistic about the future. They worry that their situation tomorrow may be worse than today. Some have bluntly told me that neither of the two major parties in the US currently shows a rational or wise attitude toward or policy on China, making it difficult for US-China relations to show any significant improvement. Many Chinese individuals I have spoken with are pessimistic about the years following the upcoming elections.

PBC cuts rate on MLF facility, will lower banks’ costs

China's central bank on Wednesday lowered the cost of its medium-term loans to banks , marking the first reduction of the country's market-based interest rates after the relevant Chinese authorities on Tuesday rolled out major policies to support the economy, including cuts to the reserve requirement ratio and interest rates. 

Observers said that the sweeping move is conducive to reducing banks' lending costs and could be followed by more "proactive" policies such as cuts to the market-based benchmark loan prime rate and deposit rate. 

Those concrete measures would channel more liquidity into the market and continue lifting up market confidence, providing a solid foundation for steering the world's second-largest economy toward the annual GDP growth goal of 5 percent, they noted. 

The People's Bank of China (PBC), the country's central bank, announced on Wednesday that it cut the rate on 300 billion yuan ($54.7 billion) worth of one-year medium-term lending facility (MLF) loans to some financial institutions to 2 percent, from the previous 2.3 percent.

The bid rates in Wednesday's operation ranged from 1.90 percent to 2.30 percent, and the total balance of MLF loans now stands at 6.878 trillion yuan, according to a statement on the PBC's official website. 

"Wednesday's MLF cut further sends a resounding signal that, despite internal pressures and external volatility, the Chinese government is determined to and has abundant toolkits to cushion against headwinds and bolster the economic recovery's momentum," said Yang Delong, chief economist at Shenzhen-based First Seafront Fund.

Chinese stocks on Wednesday extended their rally from Tuesday, with all three major indexes closing up by more than 1 percent on major policy support, which indicates heightened investors' confidence in the prospects of the world's second-largest economy. Trading volume in the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets surpassed 1 trillion yuan for the first time since May 6.

China’s ball-shaped recon drone debuts in joint drill with Nepal

On Sunday, China and Nepal kicked off an anti-terrorism joint army exercise, with a type of ball-shaped reconnaissance drone making its debut.

An opening ceremony was held for the Sagarmatha Friendship-2024 joint army drill at a training base in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality on Sunday, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

It is the fourth edition of the Sagarmatha Friendship series of exercises between the Chinese and Nepali militaries, with the previous drill held five years ago in 2019, Xinhua reported.

Under the theme of joint anti-terrorism operations in urban blocks, the joint training will include light arms shooting, anti-terrorism group tactics, drone operations, emergency rescues and a comprehensive anti-terrorism exercise, with the aim of boosting capabilities in fields such as multidimensional search, mobile infiltration and armed rescue in joint operations, according to Xinhua.

The exercise will last until October 1, the report said.

After the opening ceremony, the Chinese side displayed more than 20 pieces of equipment in three categories, namely light arms, reconnaissance gears for anti-terrorism missions and equipment, China Central Television (CCTV) reported.

Intelligent reconnaissance equipment attracted particular attention, including a type of robot dog, a type of through-wall radar and a type of self-propelled ball-shaped reconnaissance drone, the report said.

The gear will provide extra combat capabilities in the joint exercise, CCTV said.

A CCTV clip showed that the ball-shaped reconnaissance drone, equipped with a camera and sensors, can be held with one hand.

After viewing the clip, a Beijing-based military expert who requested anonymity told the Global Times on Sunday that the mini ball-shaped drone can move through urban areas by rolling on the ground with little noise and avoid hostile detections.

The small drone is expected to cost little, but can significantly reduce the risk of personnel exposure under dangerous environments, the expert said.

During the exercise, the two sides will also conduct exchanges on disaster relief operations, tackling natural disasters such as earthquakes, snow damages and debris flow, in addition to a series of cultural exchanges to enhance mutual trust and understandings, Xinhua reported.

Xi calls for accelerating progress in space endeavors

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday encouraged personnel in China's space industry to continue to work hard and accelerate progress in space endeavors while meeting with the representatives of space scientists and engineers who participated in the research and development in the Chang'e-6 lunar mission at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

The Chang'e-6 probe was launched from China on May 3 this year. On June 25, its returner made a landing in north China, bringing back 1,935.3 grams of samples from the far side of the moon.

Xi noted that Chang'e-6, for the first time in human history, collected samples from the moon's far side, breaking through a number of key technologies, marking another landmark achievement in China's endeavors in space as well as in science and technology. It is an important milestone for China's lunar exploration project.

Over the past 20 years, the lunar exploration project has focused on key core technologies and achieved fruitful results in scientific discovery, technological innovation, engineering practice, achievement application, and international cooperation. It has blazed a path of high-quality and cost-effective lunar exploration, making a major contribution to the development of China's space industry and human space exploration, he said.

Xi stressed that over the past 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the space industry has grown from weak to strong, and achieved historic, high-quality and leap-forward development.

Since the 1950s, there have been more than 100 lunar exploration missions worldwide, achieving 10 successful sample return missions from the near side of the moon. However, it has always been a challenge to explore the far side of the moon, Xinhua News Agency reported.

In January 2019, China's Chang'e-4 overcame the world challenge of landing on the far side of the moon. In December 2020, Chang'e-5 mission brought back the country's first samples collected from the moon's near side, which was the world's freshest lunar samples since the 1970s.

And on June 25, 2024, carrying the first batch of lunar samples ever collected from the far side of the moon in human history, Chang'e-6 probe safely touched down in the Siziwang Banner, in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

The mission not only set a new record for China's lunar exploration program but it also has a profound impact on the global aerospace field, Kang Guohua, a professor of Aerospace Engineering at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, told the Global Times. 

Through the Chang'e-6 mission, China has demonstrated its leadership and influence in space exploration, Kang said, noting that samples collected from the far side of the moon hold immense value for scientific research and deep space exploration due to its uniqueness.

Such a large-scale, complex and highly integrated project has successively overcome key technologies such as the design of Earth-moon transfer orbits, soft landing on the lunar surface and high-speed re-entry and return. 

It has also driven technological innovations in new devices, materials and energy sources, observers said. 

Meanwhile, China's "circle of friends" in lunar exploration is continuously expanding. 

Chang'e-6 mission carried four international scientific payloads from the European Space Agency, France, Italy and Pakistan. The Chang'e-7 mission has selected six international payloads, while the Chang'e-8 offers approximately 200 kilograms of payload capacity to the international community and has received over 30 cooperation applications to date, according to media reports. 

Looking beyond the moon, China announced earlier this month its ambitious plan to carry out Tianwen-3 mission, eyeing to retrieve samples from Mars and bring them back to Earth by around 2028, chief designer of the mission Liu Jizhong disclosed. The mission is expected to become the world's first such attempt on the Red Planet, and will involve international payload cooperation, as well as global collaboration in sample and data sharing.

County tourism wins over young travelers

Lately, county tourism has become increasingly popular in China, with more young people opting for lesser-known counties as holiday destinations instead of crowded cities with famous attractions. They are eager to escape the hustle and bustle of popular spots and enjoy a quieter, more relaxed experience away from the city.

In the first week of September, luxury hotel bookings surged by 1,400% in Changting county, East China's Fujian Province; by 1,200% in Fengxin county, East China's Jiangxi Province; and by 1,150% in Zhongmu county, Central China's Henan Province. Additionally, hotels in many counties in China were fully booked well in advance, according to a report by the Economic View media outlet.

"Young people's expectations for travel products and services have changed. They no longer follow the crowd but opt for more diverse and varied experiences. For them, a travel to relieve stress is a preferred choice, as it requires minimal preparation," Sun Jiashan, an associate researcher at the Central Academy of Culture and Tourism Administration, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Positive feedback loop

In the era of mobile internet, the massive influx of information on social media has created opportunities for county tourism. With the click of a button on sharing apps, travelers can access continuously updated posts that fuel curiosity, prompting more users to turn their online interest into real travel plans.

On the Chinese lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu, a search for "county tourism" yields over 500,000 related posts. These posts feature recommendations from users about lesser-known counties, including detailed travel routes, expense estimates, and top attractions to visit.

"One of the main reasons I chose a county for my trip was the influence of social media. After watching art films like Kaili Blues, I wanted to visit its filming locations or similar places," said Zhang Wennan, a blogger who shared a well-received travel guide for Congjiang county in Southwest China's Guizhou Province.

After completing her trip, Zhang went back to social media to share their experiences, which naturally amplified the county's tourism profile, which created a feedback loop of planting the seed, visiting, and recommending the destination to others.

Emotional value

The rise of county tourism reflects a shift in people's mindset, characterized by a growing pursuit of quality and diversity, and an increasing focus on personal emotional fulfillment.

"County tourism fits well with the current 'lying flat' mindset of young people. There's no need to wake up early to avoid crowds, and everyone around you is local," Zhang told the Global Times.

Travelers are opting for quieter, less-traveled counties where they can slow down, relax, and rejuvenate. 

"The benefit of traveling to small counties is that there are fewer people, prices are reasonable," Zhang noted.

A traveler who comes from Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, visited Qingtian county in the same province in August, told the Global Times that due to limited time, she usually chose to visit nearby counties to relax. In her view, these trips that are easy to arrange and low-cost often meet the curiosity of her. "For someone like me who grew up in the city, returning to a small county for travel is a novel experience," she added.

Sustainable development

As small county-level destinations become increasingly popular, some counties are experiencing unprecedented development opportunities. Driven by the internet, previously unknown small towns are quickly gaining fame due to their unique charm. However, achieving sustainable development remains a challenge for many areas.

During peak time, issues such as inadequate reception capacity in these small counties become apparent. Besides, attractions in these counties are often far from accommodations, making them less convenient. 

"For small county-level destinations to sustain development, they must focus on improving tourism service quality. As visitors' expectations for travel experiences increase, high-quality services become a key factor in retaining tourists," noted Sun Jiashan. "This includes offering comfortable and convenient accommodations, delicious and authentic dining, and diverse entertainment options."

"Additionally, enhancing infrastructure is crucial. Convenient transportation, well-developed public service facilities, and a safe travel environment are all important conditions for attracting tourists," Sun Jiashan added.

Sun Hang, a tourist who just returned from Pingshan county, South China's Guangdong Province, told the Global Times that in her view, high-quality hotels are the starting point for promoting county tourism and can bring tourists a better travel experience.

"A safe hotel can ease the concerns of tourists like us about unfamiliar places. In a hotel offering complete facilities and good service in Pingshan, I felt safe and because of that I was more willing to explore the local scenery and culture," she said.

According to Sun Jiashan, small counties need to deeply explore and utilize their unique resources to offer distinctive travel experiences, focusing on innovation and diversification of tourism products. 

Each region has its own unique natural landscapes, historical culture, and folk customs. Through scientific planning, these resources can be transformed into appealing tourism products.

Moutai: Red sorghum mark of global quality

In August, the Daping Moutai Organic Sorghum Base brims with the possibility of a bountiful harvest, as fields of sorghum turn golden. The heavy heads of the sorghum bow down, transforming the landscape into a golden carpet meticulously woven by nature, quietly unfurling while heralding another year of abundant harvest.

On August 16, an event was hosted by the Moutai Group and the Renhuai Municipal Government, and undertaken by the Moutai Liquor Co Ltd, and the Moutai Hongyingzi Company. The event was themed "Honoring the Grain Farmers with a Harvest: Committing to Quality for Generations," and took place at the Daping Organic Sorghum Base in Maopo village, Changgang township, Renhuai.

Over 2,000 participants including grain farmers, inheritors, distributors, and workshop representatives from Moutai were present. The Hongyingzi sorghum symbolizes the harvest of this land and the essence of Moutai's traditional brewing craftsmanship. As a special variety used in the production of Moutai liquor, Hongyingzi sorghum is closely linked to the Chishui River. The soil, water quality, and climatic conditions of the Chishui River basin provide an exceptional cultivation environment for Hongyingzi sorghum, playing a crucial role in shaping the unique flavor of Moutai liquor.

This variety of sorghum, originating from the local traditional Hongyingzi, is small grains, thick skin, and has a firm, plump structure. These characteristics enable it to perform exceptionally well in Moutai's multiple rounds of cooking and fermentation processes.

Agricultural experts participating in the Moutai Hongyingzi Sorghum Harvest Season event shared with the Global Times that Hongyingzi sorghum features "eight highs, one low, and one moderate" - high in starch, phenolic compounds, fats, branched-starch ratio, crystallinity, gelatinization temperature, calorific value, long-branch chain ratio, along with a low retrogradation of starch and moderate content of tannins. These unique structural characteristics make it the ideal choice for brewing Moutai liquor, crucial in achieving its signature aroma, full-bodied richness, and lingering finish.

"The harvest of Hongyingzi sorghum marks the hard work of farmers bearing fruitful results, and a solid foundation for Moutai's raw brewing materials," Zhang Deqin, the Party Secretary and Chairman of the Moutai Group, said.

The Hongyingzi Sorghum Harvest Season conveys Moutai's respect for natural and humanistic stories. Moutai liquor closely integrates its production and brewing with agricultural timing and activities, embodying the traditional brewing concept of "following nature and seasonal harmony, and co-brewing with the cosmos."

Crafting legendary quality

The Moutai Hongyingzi Sorghum Harvest Season both celebrates agricultural bounty and epitomizes Moutai's belief that "quality is the soul of life."

Moutai regards this land as the "primary workshop," enforcing strict quality control throughout the entire process to ensure the high-quality and stable production of brewing materials. In collaboration with the Renhuai People's Government, Moutai has embarked on a five-year project, investing heavily in the establishment of a high-quality sorghum cultivation base to guarantee a long-term and stable supply of raw materials.

The base's construction includes land consolidation, water conservancy projects, electrical infrastructure, and pest control, enhancing the quality of farmland and achieving full mechanization of sorghum production, thus significantly increasing the per-acre yield.

With steadfast dedication to artisanal management, Moutai has made history once again: It became the first Chinese company to receive the highest level of seven diamonds at the EFQM Global Award under the new evaluation standards and is also the first in the liquor industry to achieve this honor.

China's traditional brewing culture

Hongyingzi sorghum serves both as a material basis for the long-term sustainable development of Moutai liquor and as an important vessel for cultural heritage and innovative growth, contributing uniquely and profoundly to Chinese brewing culture.

The brewing of Moutai liquor is an ancient ceremony that breathes and shares its fate with the natural seasons. The cultivation of Hongyingzi sorghum follows the natural rhythm of sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn, closely intertwined with the changing of the seasons. In spring, farmers sow seeds of hope amid gentle rains; in summer, the sorghum robustly grows under the nurturing sun and dew; and by autumn, with the refreshing breeze, the sorghum ripens to a deep red, signaling optimal harvest time.

As Moutai liquor gains global prominence, an increasing number of people are beginning to understand and appreciate China's traditional brewing culture. The ancient brewing techniques of Hongyingzi sorghum and Moutai liquor not only showcase the allure of Chinese brewing to the world but also reveal the depth and breadth of Chinese culture.

Pakistan: Embassy of Pakistan in China hosts photo exhibition to promote bilateral tourism, with year 2023 a strong beginning

The Embassy of Pakistan in China hosted a photo exhibition titled "Pakistan in Frames: A Visual Journey by Chinese Tour Operators" in Beijing on September 3.

The impressive photo exhibition showcased the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes of Pakistan, captured by a group of Chinese tour operators who visited Islamabad, Taxila, and Gilgit-Baltistan in 2023, the year of China-Pakistan Tourism Exchanges.

The exhibition was centered around various themes, including Pakistan's Northern Splendor, Gandhara, and China-Pakistan friendship.

Pakistani Ambassador to China Khalil Hashmi expressed deep appreciation for the breathtaking photographs taken by the Chinese tour operators.

He noted that the photographs not only displayed Pakistan's striking beauty but also reflected the profound cultural and historical ties that enhance mutual understanding between the two countries. The ambassador emphasized that this exhibition symbolized the shared dreams and aspirations of the two peoples.

Professor Li Xiguang, director of the Pakistan Culture and Communication Center at Tsinghua University shared his experiences from his frequent travels to Pakistan, including Pakistan's role as the seat of ancient civilizations such as Gandhara and the Indus Valley.

The embassy has planned further activities to promote people-to-people exchanges, ties, and contact between the two friendly neighbors.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of Chinese tourists to Pakistan had increased beyond 225,000 a year. The year 2023 saw Chinese tourists returning, as the two countries marked the China-Pakistan Year of Tourism Exchanges.

In her remarks on behalf of the group of tour operators, York Feng Yuting from shared her fond memories of Pakistan. She also highlighted Pakistan's tourism potential.

Since 2023, the outbound destination options for Chinese tourists have become more diversified, with Europe, North America, and Africa accounting for an increased proportion, while Asian countries still top the list, according to an industry report by the China Tourism Academy in early February.

Pakistan is one of the oldest ancient civilizations in history, dating back to 7,000 BC. The country is 1.5 times the size of France and is located on the shores of the Arabian Sea.

Chinese soccer team faces 'redemption fight'

After a humiliating 7:0 defeat to Japan last week on away soil, the Chinese national soccer team will take on a crucial match at home as they host Saudi Arabia in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province on Tuesday. 

This match not only represents a key moment for Team China's quest to qualify for the next round in the World Cup Asian qualifiers, but also serves as a critical opportunity for the team to recover from the embarrassing defeat to Japan on September 5. 

While China's loss to world No.18 Japan, a team that has risen to the ranks of global soccer elites, wasn't entirely unexpected, the manner of the defeat was shocking. Frequent errors, lack of tactical coherence and a glaring absence of physicality were observed by fans, leaving those who spent their passion on the team massively dismayed. 

The performance on the pitch was characterized by lethargy and defeatism, with Chinese players struggling even to maintain basic levels of intensity. In the aftermath, fans and commentators alike condemned the team for their lack of tenacity, labeling the performance "spiritless."

Losing to Japan, a team that has long surpassed China in soccer strength in the past two decades, isn't an unforgivable offense. However, the real blow for Chinese fans was witnessing a team that seemed to have no fight left in them. 

A defeat like this naturally stings, but what stung even more was the sense that the players had mentally checked out before the game was even over. The absence of any visible desire to compete or respond to adversity was a bitter pill to swallow.

For the Chinese team, however, one loss - even as devastating as a 7-0 blowout - does not spell an end to their World Cup qualification campaign. 

The reality is that Team China currently trails far behind Asian powerhouses like Japan and Australia in terms of overall strength. But they still have chances to secure valuable points against other teams like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Indonesia. 

This makes the upcoming match against Saudi Arabia pivotal. A strong showing could help mitigate the damage done by the Japan defeat and restore some belief to a team and fanbase.

In the days following the match against Japan, senior officials of the Chinese Football Association, along with head coach Branko Ivankovic, captain Wu Lei and vice-captain Wang Dalei, held serious discussions with the team after their return to Dalian from Japan. 

The message was clear: They must regroup and show resilience. The national team cannot afford another display of weakness and disorganization. Players were urged to give everything they have to restore pride and faith in Chinese soccer, especially following a series of high-profile corruption cases that have marred the dignity of the sport in China. 

The objective for this next match is simple: mentally rebound and fight with everything they've got. Chinese fans, for all the frustration they've endured over the years, have always been emotionally invested in their national team. 

Many supporters, despite witnessing countless defeats, have learned to temper their expectations for the national team. Yet, even the most disillusioned fan hopes to see a team that at least fights with determination and pride. The fans' desire for the team isn't for victory, but for a display of grit and competitive spirit, qualities sorely lacking in their last outing.

The loss to Japan has exposed numerous flaws with Team China, particularly in areas like concentration and tactical execution. These are not issues that can be solved overnight, and the progress of Chinese soccer still has a long way ahead to close the gap with Asia's elite teams.

Many Chinese fans expressed online that they are not expecting immediate tactical brilliance or sudden technical improvements during the match against Saudi Arabia. Instead, the hope is for a performance that reflects courage and determination, and a refusal to back down from being lag behind during the match. 

The 7-0 loss to Japan was an undeniable low point, but it can also be a turning point if the team responds with resilience and determination. The upcoming match against Saudi Arabia is a chance for the Chinese national team to prove they can rebound from adversity, if they understand that every qualifier match is an opportunity to restore faith.

Chinese soccer has arrived at a crucial juncture. The team needs to rise from the ashes of their defeat and fight for their future. Anything less than a display of heart and effort will not only disappoint the fans but set Chinese soccer back further. The time has come for the team to confront its shortcomings and find the courage to rise stronger. The future of the team - and the dreams of millions of fans - depends on it.